Testing mobile wordpress:-D

This post is just for testing. I had installed wordpree for android on my Galaxy Tab last few weeks ago. I did not much posting from mobile as i am not lazy to open my laptop. But for today, I am too lazy to open my laptop try to use my Galaxy Tab intead of using computer. Facebook, tweet, path, manga, etc all can use well but posting on my blog is difficult for me because i am using android which still not yet support well for myanmar unicode fonts.  Developers are only make keyboard for zawgyi which is going to be ended but still holding 90% of the end user. I wish i can develop for it but we can not do anything unless google support it. Not only keyboard but also fonts. I can not even read unicode on android but zawgyi can…

Just testing! Hello 1,2,3.. Testing. Hey, har, sis… 1,2,3

IT-KOKO(studying but not really studying..)
